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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Container vs. Garden-Round 2: Carrots

So how did the other half of my giant container o' carrots and onions turn out?  Well, the carrots are thankfully at least appearing to still be a work in progress.  They're still pretty puny BUT the greens look very healthy.  Carrot instructions say to try to water a very small amount every day and to try to till or loosen the soil a bit so the carrots have more room to grow.  I promise from here on out to try to give them all the TLC they can handle and see if I can salvage them after the great onion massacre that occurred right next to my poor carrot babies.

At least so far it appears that the container carrots are doing far better than the garden carrots.  They're either thicker or longer or both (insert penis joke I'm too lazy to come up with here).  And just as a reminder, this year I'm trying a cool purple variety of carrot so their color is normal.

Next round: Peppers!

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