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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What I did this weekend part 2

Another lovely day outside, so I got out there and planted a bunch of peas (snap or snow and bush) in one row of 2x5' and in the other 2x5' I planted a row of broccoli.  On the peas I planted according to specs, but on the broccoli I'm using a set of seeds from last year so I overseeded probably by about double since I figure the germination rate won't be as high.  Here's hoping they just all sprout and I have to do some thinning.

After that, I set out weeding the rest of my garden beds so I have one less step when they're ready to plant and then weeded around my fruit bushes, which now look lovely.  I have two blueberry and one blackberry.  The only downside, there were wolf spiders all over in those weeds.  I know spiders are good for the garden because they eat pest insects, but they're still scary.

Today it's supposed to be near 90 degrees so I woke up a bit early and hosed my garden beds and all my potted plants so they start the day off a bit cooler and won't get too hot.  A must when the summer months get into the mid-90s for all plants, but especially now for cooler weather plants that can't tolerate that type of heat well this early in the season.

Sorry, no pics, this one is more of a journal entry so I remember what I did :o)

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