Left-Mariachi Hybrid, Right-Sweet Pepper |
Mariachi Hybrid |
Sweet Pepper in bed. |
Ta daaa! Peppers! This post is going to be pretty boring, but I wanted to update everyone on the pepper progress. The peppers are the one thing this year that has done amazingly well both in the garden bed AND in the containers. I've gotten multiple peppers from both, despite any neglect in weeding the garden bed or watering the containers. All in all, I think the lack of needing to weed gives containers a slight advantage over putting them in a garden but these truly are the EASIEST thing to grow. I have both hot and sweet peppers in both places. So the take away from this blog post is...if you want to start a garden and start with something easy, get some peppers.
Also, I tried the Burpee
Mariachi Hybrid pepper that is supposed to be "high on color and flavor and low on heat!" and holy moly...sucker is HOT. I'm not a hot pepper fan but I like a teency bit of kick. Think...restaurant jalapenos. Those are perfect. But ones you grow at home always seem to be hotter so I purposely went for a pepper they labeled as "less" hot than a jalapeno. So apparently I'm a wuss because these suckers are still too spicy for me. Great flavor though. As mentioned above, they grow well despite neglect and indeed are beautiful, but boy was I surprised when I put them on my salad, and then realized I'd cut them without gloves on, and then realized I was going out and had to put contacts in. Queue twenty minute montage of me attempting to put contacts in with ziploc bags on my hands...one of the more frustrating twenty minutes I've had in a good long while but hey, eventually I was successful.